...Yours Truly, Trudy

Saturday, November 13, 2004


*yawn*... it's 2:44 am and I've just reached home... went to catch The Incredibles with Jensen and Adrian at GV Grand. It was sooo funny and entertaining... enjoyed it more than Princess Diary 2 and Shark Tale... Jensen dear got me the Incredibles combo set so that I could get the plastic cup with the figurine on top...

I'm so bad... left Jensen to do all the hard work while I snap away with the camera..hahahah

Besides Jensen (my boyfriend), the love(s) of my life are my cute, adorable, loveable, little furry hamsters! I have a total of 13... 11 syrians and 2 dwarfs...

Someday, I shall own 5 dogs - a shih tsu, shar pei, samoyed, siberian husky, and a maltese

[It's 14 June 2006. Revisited this neglected blog of mine and found this draft dated 13 Novemver 2004. It's really in bits and pieces... but it recorded a tiny fraction of my life... thus I decided to publish it with all its imcomplete-ness. Update: Jensen is no longer my boyfriens and I've only 1 Syrian hamster, Tubbie, left.]

Me? Bloggin'?...What the...

HELL YES! Trudy (that's me) has started to blog... much to my own amazement... writing is certainly not one of my forte... thus expressing my thoughts and emotions in the written form is not going to be easy. Nevertheless, I thought it will be fun to know how I've spent the days of my life (E.g. I can't seem to remember my JC days at all!) so well... blogging seems like a neat idea...and here I am! I dunno how this will go...but we'll see...

So without further ado..I'm proud to announce the birth of my blog! "It's a girl!"

Why have I started to blog?... I really wonder...maybe it's because I'm finally admitting that I HAVE NO LIFE...and blogging will make me look and feel busy as I fumble along with the typing... *sigh*... I seriously doubt anyone will read my blog... but if anyone of you out there happen to stumble upon it... pls forgive my "powderful" grasp of the english language. Any inconveniences (eyesores, headaches, boredom etc) caused regretted.

Yours Truly,